Working at St. John XXIII College Preparatory requires a commitment to the mission and values of the school, as well as an enthusiasm for contributing to its co-curricular programs.
St. John complies with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and considers reasonable accommodations that may be necessary to perform the essential functions of the job.
Employment Application
Resumes for any position are welcome. These are kept on file and should we feel that your qualifications meet the needs of a specific position, you will be contacted.
Please mail, fax, or email (as an attachment) all resumes to:
Human Resources Department St. John XXIII College Preparatory 1800 W. Grand Parkway N. Katy, TX 77449 FAX: 281-693-1001
Applications are being accepted for an Accountant position in our Business Office, beginning August 1, 2025. This position is part-time, approximately 20 hours per week.
Applications are being accepted for an anticipated faculty position in our Mathematics Department, beginning August 1, 2025. Highest priority is given to candidates with teaching experience at the secondary level.
Applications are being accepted for a long-term substitute position teaching Physics, beginning January 7, 2025. Highest priority is given to candidates with teaching experience at the secondary level.
Applications are being accepted for an anticipated faculty position in our Spanish Program, beginning August 1, 2025. The highest priority is given to candidates with teaching experience at the secondary level.
St. John XXIII College Preparatory forms the hearts and minds of young men and women in a Christ-centered community dedicated to academic excellence, the pursuit of virtue, and service to others in the Tradition of the Catholic Church.